Saturday, March 21, 2009

Creative Financing

Remember the days when you didn't use your credit credits to buy things and almost all department stores offered Lay-Away?

Well as my mom puts it, Creative Financing is back, and here at Keeping Good Company we are offering Lay-Away for those who just have it have it and want to do it creatively!

Stop in and ask any of the girls about our new Creative Financing program available to you. No need to hide from your husband how much you really spent on that new bedding or sofa table. With creative financing you can pay for it over a period of time and still get the items you really want.

Call today and ask about our Creative Financing program - 802-288-9415

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Boxwoods come in all shapes

Betcha never saw Boxwood like this!
We thought this was such a good idea we couldn't pass it up
I think this is a perfect place to hang this, right under our Mission Statement.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Floor Specials!

We aren't known for having sales, but every now and then we try to offer a floor special. Here are a few specials you can find right now!

Complete Dining Set anyone???

Table, 4 side chairs, and 2 wing chairs

Did I mention it's by Martha Stewart...$4,689.00

Or how about a great bedroom chair to sit and read a book in???


All in-stock Susan Sargent Bedding..Duvet Covers, Bedskirts, Pillows...

25% OFF

Any questions, please give us a call 802-288-9415 or send us an

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring is Coming!!!

Even though it was -3 this morning the sun is out shining with the hopes and anticipation of Spring. Our Spring items are gradually arriving just like the warm weather and here is look at a few things I just un-packed this morning.